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Ubuntu For Education

Although Ubuntu is free and no license, Ubuntu is perfect for schools or universities everywhere. Ubuntu is more than free, for education Ubuntu is secure, effective and reliable to use. Ubuntu supported the education sector. Ubuntu Desktop is easy to use in schools or at home. Ubuntu provide learning applications for school and tools to help teachers manage these systems. Teachers and students are free to install the same software on any computer. Ubuntu provide solution for learning. Ubuntu user will has more benefit such us; Software are available for free, updates and upgrades are available, software applications are available to install on market.Ubuntu has feature includes :
  • Educational software for learning and skill-building activities for children such us software for maths, painting and typing.
  • Applications for parents and educators to provide a safe learning environment.
Teachers and students are now easy to use technology environment and it’s free. Ubuntu supported well many languages, then students can navigate the operating system quickly and easily. Ubuntu supported educational programmes that student need like word processing etc. all of Ubuntu benefits are for supporting the education in school or universities.


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